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The Renewal by Andersen® Team: Window Replacement Pros

At Renewal by Andersen® of Memphis, we install some of the most energy-efficient windows in the industry. Superior products, excellent customer service and meticulous installation are what you can expect from our highly-trained, experienced and skilled team of professionals.

Window Replacement

Continue reading to learn more about who you’ll work with on your home window replacement project. 

Design Consultants

Your window replacement with Renewal by Andersen of Mephis officially starts once your design consultant visits your home to assess your situation and needs. No matter how many questions you may have, your consultant will address them and work with you to determine the best solution for you. It’s also the time to talk about your expectations, budget, timeline and the look you want to achieve for your home. 

Project Technicians

Renewal by Andersen custom-builds its windows to ensure it’s the ideal fit for your humble abode. Our project technicians will take exact measurements of windows and framings. They will inspect the condition of your frames, casing, sash and trim. Of course, they will take note of any structural problems and climate concerns. Your project technician may ask you additional questions, and they’ll also be happy to answer yours. Moreover, they will help you prepare for your window replacement project. 


The success of your project hugely depends on your window installer. Our skilled window installers are experienced in replacing windows of all shapes, styles and sizes. You can expect them to go above and beyond for your satisfaction. They will even take care of the cleanup process and dispose of the old units for you. 

Customer Care Representatives

At Renewal by Andersen, we guarantee quality installation and excellent customer service. Our lines of communication will remain open no matter how long it’s been since your window installation. We promise to hear out your feedback, answer your questions and handle your concerns promptly. 

For the best replacement windows, choose Renewal by Andersen® of Memphis. Call us at (901) 979-4460 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation. 


"Love my new windows from Renewal by Andersen. The installation was seamless. The installers were great and very professional. They also made sure to clean up after themselves. Need windows go with Renewal by Andersen."

Tessica Agnew
Feb 28, 2024

"Our windows were the original ones that were installed when they built the house in 1972. They wouldn't open, they had been painted shut. They were single pane and the glaze was cracked everywhere. I had to put plastic up every year to help keep the house warm at least a little bit. My MIL was surprised that there weren't any panes in the windows. Now she loves it. We have put a film on the windows so we can see out but no one can see in. We are loving it!"

Beverley Collins
Feb 16, 2024

"I love my new windows! The installation crew was efficient, courteous and tidy."

Jeannette Kirby
Feb 21, 2024

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