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Window and Door Installer

Renewal by Andersen of Memphis is seeking highly qualified window and door installers with a proven track record of experience in this industry, plus skilled carpentry knowledge.

A lead installer will run his own crew and is responsible for window and door installations of a single job site. Ensures customer satisfaction, pre-arrival planning for materials and resources, confirms measurements of windows and doors prior to the commencement of work, performs routine to complex window or door installation, and proper work site shut down. Provide direction and/or training to crew members in accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines.


  • Minimum of three years of window installation experience. (Patio Doors, bays, bows, full frames and insert windows.)
  • Two years of finishing carpentry experience and/or general carpentry experience.
  • Direct customer service and problem resolution experience.
  • High school diploma and/or equivalent combination of education and experience and/or trade school diploma/certificate desired but not required.
  • Must have a valid driver’s license.
  • Contractor shall maintain Comprehensive Commercial General Liability Insurance with a minimum coverage of $1,000,000 per Occurrence, $1,000,000 Personal Injury, $2,000,000 Products-Completed Operations Aggregate.
  • Contractor shall maintain Automobile Bodily Injury & Property Damage of $1,000,000.
  • Contractor shall maintain Workers Compensation coverage.
  • Contractor mush have truck/trailer, and all necessary equipment to complete each job.
  • A complete list of requirements will be provided upon being hired.

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"Love my new windows from Renewal by Andersen. The installation was seamless. The installers were great and very professional. They also made sure to clean up after themselves. Need windows go with Renewal by Andersen."

Tessica Agnew
Feb 28, 2024

"Our windows were the original ones that were installed when they built the house in 1972. They wouldn't open, they had been painted shut. They were single pane and the glaze was cracked everywhere. I had to put plastic up every year to help keep the house warm at least a little bit. My MIL was surprised that there weren't any panes in the windows. Now she loves it. We have put a film on the windows so we can see out but no one can see in. We are loving it!"

Beverley Collins
Feb 16, 2024

"I love my new windows! The installation crew was efficient, courteous and tidy."

Jeannette Kirby
Feb 21, 2024

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